Note: Web version uploaded after Jam ended. The web version is the same as the windows version published within the time limit, just with a different build target.

Windows version is recommended as WebGL version can have audio issues and sometimes laggy painting.

Click on canvas to begin painting. You will be taken back to the menu after each painting. To progress, you will need to select the canvas again to begin the next painting. Click on the palette to select brush size and colour. Click on the person you are painting to progress dialog. To submit the painting, click on them when they have a green checkmark cursor over them.

I recommend only taking 1-2 minutes for each painting, or it may feel too long. If you are fed up of painting, you can submit an empty painting if you just want to see dialog/story. There are 9 paintings to do in total, but the story/dialog mainly picks up/changes after the 3rd or 4th painting.

A story about a painter struggling as his mind slowly gives way to age and decay. Inspired by the latter works of William Utermohlen as mentioned in this article:

This is a submission for the Ludum Dare Discord Jam 8. All music, art and code for this project was created within 48 hours by me (solo).


Download 30 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract the zip folder then run the .exe file.

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